Monday, January 18, 2010

Pre-Spanking Routine

I posted this on a message board earlier today, but it explains a little bit of how I was feeling in my last blog post, so I thought I'd repost it here.

I've had a need lately for more... routine with a spanking. There's this weird part after Paul says he's going to spank, and before he starts spanking that just seems all out of whack. Like I don't have any direction. Sure, "wait for me" is a direction I guess, but it just feels strange. Then we he does get ready to start and I'm in the process of going over his lap or whatever, the atmosphere is strangely laid back and relaxed. Not that I want him to be mean, but there's this little small voice inside of me that keeps wanting him to bust out with some big stern ".... and now you've earned yourself I good hard spanking!" I don't know... the whole rhythm seems off. Once the spanking gets started things usually go really well. I hate to suggest something like corner time, but I'm startling like a little more structure pre-spanking and a big firm "get over here" might go a long way....

Okay, in reality I actually think something like corner time could be incredibly useful to help focus me. But I think the success/failure of corner time would depend completely on Paul's reaction to it. If he's telling me to stare at a wall because I asked him to, well that's just stupid. On the other hand, if HE thinks it will help focus me, and HE wants me to have some time to contemplate what is about to happen, or HE just thinks my butt looks cute facing him like that, then maybe it would be helpful. He's gotta buy into it 110%. It's not one of those things I'm willing to just throw out there to "try." I can already tell you how it would be if it "almost worked" -- pointless. What to do? :)
